Using Ubersuggest to Find Long-Tail Keywords


What's the best way to find long-tail keywords?

This has probably been asked a million and one times so I apologise in advance, but I also wanted to share how I've been doing it and get some feedback.
My method is to go to UberSuggest, input my chosen keyword, export as a CSV, open in Google Sheets, add a =(LEN) column, filter for anything above 20 characters, filter by competition, and then rank by traffic volume.
This has worked for me, what about everyone else?
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but ubersuggest shows competition not quite effectively ahref or Google keyword planner is batter than this. also long tail pro is also batter in long tail keyword

Most of these keyword tool sync their keywood database from Google keyword planner. Apart from the normal keywords that appear in the Google keyword planner, they take into cosideration trending keywords and Google suggestion.


Most of these keyword tool sync their keywood database from Google keyword planner.

yes you right everyone sync data from Google keyword planner by using API key of google

Neil Patel bought ubersuggest, so expect the quality to go down and have tons of ads for his products shoved in your face.
We need alternatives.


so expect the quality to go down and have tons of ads for his products shoved in your face.

i checked from one keyword to check which is batter uber suggest showing the keyword search volume different SEMrush different and keyword planner is showing different also all these 3 products are showing different Keyword competition like keyword planer showing .98 SEMrush showing 0.78 and Ubersuggest showing 0.35

use Keywordseverywhere tool, you can install it on your chrome and when you will type a keyword it will directly give you the search volume.
and Google suggestion is the best way to find the long-tail keywords. Also, go for voice search long-tail keywords. (Why, How, When, Show, Tell) all question related.

Bh7094 ✍️
Thank you! Is there a tool for the voice search stuff?

not that I know so far. I prefer using Google suggestion questions… Most of the voice searches are questions, "where can I find a Pizza shop in NY", "find a salon near me" "Find ATMS near me".
I would recommend you to look for it on Google, and your search query report. Filter your SQR with mobile searches and most of them would be through voice search, mostly in the US, UK, Canada and etc…

You can use Answer The Public to find potential long-tail keywords. Just go to AnswerThePublic dot com, enter in a basic keyword, and scroll down to find search terms organized by "Questions" (how, what, who, etc.), "Prepositions" (to, near, with, etc.), and "Comparisons" (___ vs. ___). You don't get search volume or other metrics, but it's a good place to find ideas.

Big fan of Answer the Public! Quick, easy, free and well polished.

Have you tried Answer The Public?
Essentially, its a database of all Google Autocompletes. Just type in the keyword and it gives you all the related topics people search for.
Take the list and group the keywords together by theme/topic and produce content around that.
Search volume can be flawed. The longer your keywords the less reflective search volume is. This is simply due to the fact that the longer the query is, the more variations people can type into the search bar. So keyword planner says a specific query only gets 20 monthly searches, that will not be reflective of the total interest of that subject.
Someone can search: "best thick crust pepperoni pizza in greenwich village new york" but they could also search "best greenwich village new york pepperoni thick crust pizza"
I'd eat my hat if these two queries didn't give you nearly the same search results.
According to Google 15% of queries have never been searched before. This is more than likely due to the infinite combination of words you can string together for what are essentially identical queries.
Its why many SEO users are now a big proponent of topic optimization over individual keywords.

Bh7094 ✍️
This is super useful thank you.
So if a long-tail keyword is 'where are there bespoke pictures framers in london', should you create content around that question or the keyword 'bespoke picture framers in london'

Create content that suitably addresses both.

I like the SEOBook keyword tool because it's free, but offers data on search volume and other relevant metrics that most free keyword research tools don't give you.
I'm not affiliated with them in any way, but I recommend their tool because it's basically a former paid tool that the creator set to free because he's not very optimistic about the future of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) in general. (The SEOBook blog is a fascinating read.)
FWIW, I did a writeup on free tools for a client of mine, and we actually compared the data from the SEOBook tool, along with some trials of various paid tools, to SEMrush, which he uses.
The data from both was pretty much comparable, without any radical differences that stood out to us.
So like, if you're not budgeted right now for a pro level paid tool like Ahrefs or SEMrush, I recommend combining tools like Ubersuggest with the SEOBook tool.
Also, a lot of longtail tools — e.g. KeywordShitter and — actually draw their info from Google's Autosuggest feature. So when you're googling stuff relevant to your niche, keep an eye on those suggested searches.
I'm also going to second Answer the Public. I like that one a lot, too. Not even just from a pure SEO standpoint, but just as a content strategy tool in general. It's a pretty solid way to get a handle on what kinds of questions your audience is asking.
What does =LEN mean?

Bh7094 ✍️
Number of characters within a cell.


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