How do You Fight in Saturated Niche With Your Websites Against Other Websites?

How do you determine if niche is saturated?
How do you fight in saturated niche?
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The first step when determining if a niche is saturated is to search through the list of results from your keyword tool. There are several free keyword tools available – I mainly use Ahrefs for this. Compare the results with other similar topics to see how much competition you're up against. The next step is to look at the competition's backlinks, again you can Ahrefs or SEMrush for this to see how much popularity they have and what types of websites link back to them.
I can assure you that the fight to get to the top in your saturated niche is not that hard. If you're willing to put in the time, you will see results. You need to know what your competition is up to. If they are not expanding their reach, then you can do that. Increase the frequency of new posts on your blog and all other platforms you're using. Send out social media updates to your followers and make sure it is highly engaging and shareable. Actively participate in forums and other sites that are linked to your niche. These are just a few ideas!

Paul Β» Chavez
Dang this sounded like an answer from Jarvis 🀣
Chavez Β» Paul
Yes they know exactly what I am doing for all my clients

Do an extensive keyword research. If you can find 100 low competition keywords, go for it.
Now coming to saturated. I don't bother to go into a niche where top 3 spots are occupied by giant sites Ahrefs Domain Rating (DR) 60+.
But if top 3 spots have DR less than 50 sites. It can be beaten easily with proper strategy, quality content and links.

Farhan Β» Sohail
You can manipulate DR easily with high da profile and comments site. dr and da is just a number now.
Sohail Β» Farhan
So what?
You can increase DR but why the hell anybody will decrease DR. And everybody knows DR is just a third party metrics.
Farhan Β» Sohail
Then how can you said dr 60+.. don't mind

It's not. People say that that are scared. If a space is crowded it's because people are making money in it. F what others are doing, you do you. Find a niche you can bring value and act as if you are the only company. I've done that for 25 years in 4 industries. It works. I promise.

Ray Β» Rupp
Damn right.

Ammon πŸŽ“
Saturation is technically the point at which there are more suppliers of a thing than demand for that thing, and thus it has become a price-war fight, and a race to the bottom.
For me, market saturation isn't about the number of competitors fighting for market share, but about how that fight has devolved. Once any market has reached the point where even the top brands are fighting primarily on price, all trying to be cheaper than their competition, that market is saturated.
The question then is less about How to fight in such a market condition, but more about Why you would want to. This is where loss-leader plays may be a factor, where a company is only in that saturated market to leverage that position somewhere else. However, far more often it is simply a company stuck in a rut, carrying on doing what they have always done, even though it becomes less and less profitable by the day, and the writing is on the wall.
In a great many markets we see strata of saturation. Where there is a clear divide between brand and generic, for example, and the generic or commodity end of the market is saturated. Either a company is a brand, competing on brand values, or it is fighting pretty much on price alone.
Affiliates and Resellers face a similar kind of thing. A situation you may very well find often, especially if an affiliate marketer, is where potentially hundreds of other affiliates can offer exactly the same product at exactly the same price. A market saturation of that particular product or service, except instead of being able to lower the end price, the marketers have to out-spend their rivals in time and resources invested.
The strategy one needs here is both simple and difficult. Kind of like how walking is easy, but walking a thousand miles is definitely not. You have to de-commoditize. Differentiate or die.
Make your offer different in something other than price. An add-on, a bundle, some kind of value-add you put into the deal that increases the value a customer perceives above what the value-add costs to supply. Ideally, something unique and not easy to copy.
Now, it may be that's not what the OP, (or you reading) mean when *you* talk about market saturation or niche saturation. It may be that what you mean is simply a competitive market with a lot of competitors. If so (a) stop using the wrong terms hoping it sounds more professional and marketing-savvy πŸ˜ƒ and (b) in any competition there are only so many competitors that are relevant.
For a local business, only other competitors in their immediate business radius matter. Who cares how many rivals there are that are out of the reach of *your* potential customers? Only those you have to compete with for an actual customer matter.
In a Search Engine Result Page (SERP), only the rivals on page one of the SERP matter. You generally have 10 or less competitors you are really interested in beating, whether there are 5 behind them or 5 million doesn't matter. Generally, I'll be looking at the top 5. But always remember that here is where actual niche matters. Going niche, long-tail, more specific and less general, are all techniques and strategies to focus a smaller overall force on a single point where you see a gap, or a weakness.
If a rival company has three times your resources to fight with (writers, devs, SEO users, and budget) then you can't fight them on all fronts and expect to win. So, instead you focus your efforts on a single point. You niche down so where they are fighting for all types of customers, you focus on being a better option for a specific type of their customer, and can win.


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