A Client of Law Firm Needed Suggestions to Lift Up His/Her Name if a TV Channel Invites Him/Her

One of the law firms I work with in terms of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) were contacted by one of the big 3 TV news agencies in South Africa to comment on a legal matter pertaining to privacy rights, the protection of personal information Act. They accredited this to the SEO I have been doing for them.
One of the attorneys was interviewed for 6:30 minutes where the name of the law firm was mentioned a few times. The news channel uploaded it to YouTube. How do we capitalise on this? It relates to a service the law firm offers.
How do we take this and use it effectively in the online marketing I am doing?
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Ask the news channel to add the law firm info and a link to their website in the description. Add the video in a post about said topic on the law firm's website. Add the video to social media with a description and a link.

Stephen ✍️ » Solita
Good points! Thanks

You can do quite a bit:
1. Definitely do a quality press release
2.Use the video segment to pitch your client to other media platforms for more interviews
3. Look into search volumes for privacy related terms, see if you can come up with stats/trends and pitch those to news companies using your interview to position yourself as an authority on a topic
4. Ask for permission to republish video on client's YouTube channel
5. Distribute video across social media channels
6. Distribute video via email to existing customers to see if any would look to buy additional privacy related services from your client or recommend your client to anyone they know who might be looking for privacy related advice
7. Build a blog post around the topic and add video to it as well as add video to a privacy service page for better Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) or to help establish authority with prospects. If you don't have a privacy service page, build one.
8. Check Help a Reporter Out (HARO) for any privacy related inquiries and use video to get more pitches accepted (parallel to point 2 above)
9. Email back to the news company that interviewed your client to thank them and build longer relationship, potentially become goto person/company for privacy related advice
10. Contact local chambers of commerce or boards of trade, attach video and ask if they would be interested in privacy related workshops
11. Use segments of the video for Facebook and/or YouTube ads to generate more leads via paid channels
12. Take best part of the interview, hire an editor, add branding and then use on a site and ask clients to share it on their own LinkedIn profiles. Posts should be thought provoking to generate conversations and hopefully organic leads. LinkedIn's organic reach is what Facebook used to be like 10 years ago.
*Assuming it was a great interview lol

Stephen ✍️ » Scott
Thanks so much for this valuable info. I like the point about thanking the news company and taking the best parts of the interview and branding a video, asking clients to share. This is really exactly what I needed – will see how many of your suggestions can be implemented.
Scott Β» Stephen
No problem! Definitely do a Press Release (PR) blast though, totally worth every penny. I was checking out DUI lawyer SERPs the other day and noticed these guys were utilizing every opportunity to create a press release: https://www.toronto-dui-lawyer.ca/dui-news/toronto-lawyer-named-among-7-best-dui-lawyers/
Talk to Randy if you decide to do one, he's got awesome PR packages that really move a needle.


Ammon Johns πŸŽ“
Gracefully. That, above all else is the 'how'.
First, understand the value. You got approached by one of the big news agencies for a story and interview. The value there is not the story, those get forgotten and swept away in the never ending flow of newer stories. The importance is the who, not the what and certainly not the where.
A major news agency contacted, selected, interviewed, and featured the law firm. That's the important part. That's the bit that allows a company to say "as featured on/in". But you know what's better than getting selected and featured once? Yup, being their chosen company to come to for a handy quote on ANY legal story in future.
So, think about how you make that more likely.
First, promote the heck out of their (the News agency) content that features you. Make it one of their most successful or popular pieces, or at least, more popular and successful than any similar pieces they've done. Give them a reason to remember this interview out of the hundreds they deal with every week.
Embed that YouTube video into a blog post or page somewhere, which helps the video rank, and thus helps that citation of your client be seen by more people.
Basically, see if you can turn this one-off interview into the starting of a relationship with at least the reporter and/or editor. Slowly, gently, and above all, gracefully.
Be very, very careful not to be annoying, or to come across like some insane stalker. Gracefully.

Stephen ✍️ » Ammon Johns
Great advice, much appreciated. πŸ™

You can run video ad on same video, it might improve your brand searches.

Stephen ✍️ » Ganesh
Thanks, once we have edited the video we might look at that

Pitch same story to other news outlets in your country.
Find other journalists that have mentioned "privacy law" in the past two years via Ahrefs Content Explorer. Filter by Domain Rating (DR) 45+ to get high authority/news.
Send email pitch saying something along the lines of "hey we got interviewed here on X topic if you're interested, we'd be happy to share our thoughts in a similar interview or provide expert quotes for an article you want to collaborate on"

Ammon Johns πŸŽ“ Β» Brett
That would work fine for bloggers, but in the News business, the 'scoop' and the exclusive are *everything*. The very fact someone has already covered the story makes it LESS appealing to a news agency, rather than more. The only time they'll ever do "me too" coverage is when they'd simply look worse to not cover the story than to have no exclusive or scoop.
Always, always, know your market. Whether you are pitching a product, or pitching a story, that always applies.


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