Using Ezoic Ad Publishing Program and Waiting for the Approval

Hi Guys! I am moving from adsense to Ezoic and waiting for the approval, but my concern is… is it true that with Ezoic the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) can be negatively affected because of integrating Ezoic through Domain Name System (DNS)? I'm using Banahosting and according to my hosting provider the SEO could be affected because of black list of Internet Protocol (IP) addresses from Ezoic due to they will be changing the IP addresses. Honestly These words from the hosting provider don't make sense to me because Google uses User Experience (UX), Quality Content Search Intent and Mobile Friendly/Speed optimization as ranking factor and not IP address as ranking factor, please let me know your thoughts, I will appreciate a Billion, because My Website has been Very well in terms of Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Thanks!
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Not Google but the hosting company are blocking alot of the ip addresses from ezoic. So ezoic gave me a list of whopping 200 ips to whitelist. Which the hosting company did not accept. And I was able to short the list down to about 20 ips or something.
2nd. Your website will get slower when you get ezoic ads. If you already don't got a fast webhosting it will slow everything down and you will lose rankings because of it.

Henry ✍️ » Kim
Then is not true that they will be putting your website like a rocket with the Domain Name System (DNS) and their Content Delivery Network (CDN) and all of that stuff?
Kim Β» Henry
You are talking about the CDN premium??
Henry ✍️ » Kim
Honestly I don't know.. but what I have understood based on my research is that they put your website like a rocket when you use the DNS integration. But that's only what Ezoic Says.
Kim Β» Henry
They are right. But I cannot say it has been any rocket LOL. But they have free integration with Cloudflare and a paid one which cost 20$ per month up to about 20k mo viewers. Iam still using the free version. I only know that if you have a slow website overall (in this case I used the free CDN aswell). I was thinking about trying to upgrade the server to a higher plan. 10 days later I got all my old rankings back after I upgraded…
Henry ✍️
My website is generally fast, but adsense slow it down as usual, My webserver is fast too, but I suppose that they on Ezoic will be in charge of optimizing the performance with their own tools using the CDN, I don't use CDN currently, this will be my first time using a CDN because of Ezoic Provides it. I hope everything be good. In addition… can you tell me about the Earnings? Are they really very very higher compared to Google Adsense? Google Adsense removed the links ads and now is a piece of crap.
Kevin Β» Kim
Ezoic is going to make speed tools free.
Ezoic Leap | Tools To Improve Core Web Vitals & Site Performance
Ezoic Leap | Tools To Improve Core Web Vitals & Site Performance
Ezoic Leap | Tools To Improve Core Web Vitals & Site Performance
Just cause they're making their tools free doesn't make their product any better. I've heard so many horror stories that I avoid them like the plague. I'm waiting until web core vitals metrics to be included in Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs) in may. I imagine there will be a shit storm of SERP drops for anyone using Ezoic. Not worth it for just a little earnings.
Peter Β» Dave
I have had the misfortune of trying to set up/use Ezoic. Support was terrible. Unless the site has been built specifically with the purpose of using Ezoic in mind I would also suggest avoiding them like the plague. Aside from the fact that allowing the DNS integration in the first place being dangerous and reducing a lot of control over the site itself, there are other pain points Ezoic don't tend to point out, such as if you have hreflang implemented for other lang versions beyond EN – Ezoic, (like many ad platforms) don't have that much ad inventory – as a result, it's not uncommon to see ads for boner pills and other adult oriented ads being stuffed in on the foreign lang pages.
I know about the speed tools, and that's great. But none of that matters if the basics is not covered. And only the publishers knows their own metrics.
If you already know that your sitespeed is good, and jump into a Ezoic. And see that the sitespeed goes down. You either need to bump up the subscription to a better one, or skip the entire Ezoic model. You got to take the good one with the bad one on this one. If you want to earn cash in the longterm, my suggestion would be do Ezoic. Do what you can for free. Upgrade hosting to a better plan, then your good to go with an even better earnings. I upgraded my plan on my hosting, 10 days later all my rankings shot up (again… though I did not know that this was the reason… LESSON LEARNED)


There's a lot to cover here so I'll try to hit all of it.
Henry I want to make sure and address your concerns about Ezoic and Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Ezoic does not affect SEO because of integration through Domain Name System (DNS). Cloud integration, such as DNS, is the best way to integrate because it gives you access to all of our features and will ensure your site stays fast. The only reason something might be affected on your site is if you are not properly set up, which we can help you with. Ezoic also has higher earnings than AdSense and will almost always have higher bidding than AdSense (unless something is set up wrong) because of the way we have bidding set up.
Kim, as I said in the previous paragraph to Henry, Ezoic doesn't specifically slow sites down; all ads slow sites down. Depending on how you're integrated, this can effect speed. WordPress plugin integration will be slower than Cloud integration because plugins slow sites down. We are also launching a brand new site speed and Core Web Vitals product that is absolutely free and provides site speed features, insight into what is slowing your site down, and information and tools on how to improve Core Web Vitals. It's really an amazing toolβ€”I'm really excited for it to be released to publishers. Here is a video introducing it:
Dave I would be interested in hearing what you've heard about Ezoic. We find that many unhappy customers do not have their site properly set up with Ezoic in the first place, which will certainly cause frustration.
Peter, DNS integration is becoming increasingly more common amongst website tools and is not considered dangerous; you don't lose control of your website, and Ezoic would never do anything to take control over your website. In fact, Ezoic was specifically built so that publishers can have complete control over their ads, site speed, layout, and more. Because we provide this flexibility and control, it can often get confusing; this is something we are constantly working on, making it easier for publishers to use our product effectively. We are also improving our support and now have live chat available for certain hours of the day. I would be happy to help you with your site and can ensure that you will make more money and have a fast site if you come back to Ezoic. That's how sure I am of Ezoic.
Announcing Ezoic Leap, Website Performance Toolset
Announcing Ezoic Leap, Website Performance Toolset
Announcing Ezoic Leap, Website Performance Toolset

Henry ✍️ » Whitney
I see… many thanks! How much does it take Ezoic to approve a website? I signed a website up in December and still nothing! I contacted the manager and everything is the same automated message that it will be reviewed soon.
Whitney Β» Henry
Hmm that is curious to me, what is your website? I can take a look into it.
Kim Β» Henry
Yes I guess you are right Whitney, but I have no experience with adsense or other related stuff. So I have nothing to compare to, but my point still stands. A good hosting is important. But if you are going to upgrade you should at least have some traffic or else upgrading hosting or using ads such as from Ezoic will have no purpose. You will just get more cost. This is what happened to me 10 days after I upgraded my hosting subscription. So cover your basic first, which is traffic. Then do Ezoic/ads in general and upgrade. If you got traffic, and are about to implement Ezoic. Watch your rankings closely, and consider to upgrade 1 subscription higher.


Whitney Β» Kim
Completely agree! We do have a program called Access Now that brings in smaller sites to Ezoic; access to it only opens every once in awhile though

using ezoic ad publishing program and waiting for the approval

Peter Β» Whitney
Whilst I appreciate the mention in the reply, and the attempt to dispel the issues regarding setting up via Domain Name System (DNS) – it doesn't address the fact that, as stated, there were occasions where adult oriented ads would appear on my non-adult oriented sites.
Since we're here – when I signed up to Ezoic, I made it very clear I managed a lot of sites (150+) and was told "oh that's no problem" after several months I think only 30 or so were ever running. Also, (and I appreciate this hopefully should have changed) support was, without question, terrible. Unable to reach anyone, when I could reach someone they would avoid the issues I was trying to get solved (unable to block certain ad types, ads not being blocked from direct competitors etc), and instead focused on irrelevant things and answering questions I hadn't asked.
Whitney Β» Peter
Wow, that is a lot of sites! We are constantly improving our support and the way the product works.
Dave Β» Whitney
Do you happen to work for Ezoic in any way? Or are you related to their business? Affilate? Just looking for full disclosure so we can gauge the intentions of your responses and filter out noise
Hi Dave. I do work for Ezoic, but my intention is not to tell everyone they are wrong and Ezoic is right. Rather, my intention is to provide advice to publishers based on my own experiences, and then educate publishers on how our products work and dispel any misconceptions. Ezoic is a complicated product and that is something we are constantly working on improving, and the best way we have found to do that is to try to educate people as much as possible. I know there are publishers who have had bad experiences with Ezoic, and this is something we take very seriously, and it is also my intent to make amends with publishers and try to assist them. I am truly confident in what Ezoic is doing for publishers and the possibilities publishers have at their fingertips when it is used properly, especially our new product, Leap, that is coming out. It's free, so there is really nothing to lose!
Peter Β» Whitney
An interesting comment – my account is still open with most of the 150+ sites in it and yet no-one from Ezoic has bothered to get in touch with any any attempt to resolve the issues we had – one would think a potential client of that size it might be worth trying to bring them back on board. As for it being a complicated product – you're right, it probably is for most single/new/small site owners – is it a case of Ezoic staff not understanding their own product well enough to be able to keep large/multiple site owners on board? Before we started trying to work with Ezoic, we even suggested producing a joint case study if it worked out well – now it just seems Ezoic thought it too difficult and can't be bothered.
Dave Β» Whitney
Thanks for offering your opinion and disclosing that you're partial to your answers. It me, this is nothing more than a used car salesperson telling me the Hummer gets great gas mileage because it now has a turbo.

using ezoic ad publishing program and waiting for the approval

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