Two Things Worked in SEO: Silo, Backlink


Okay! Survey time. What has always worked for you in Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?

Would be great if you could explain it a bit, I haven't really found something which consistently works. I know it is very niche dependent, but there has to be something which has always got you a result, no matter how small. I want you to share it with the community today!
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Silo-ing. I've dealt with a lot of websites that have no structure to them which makes for a poor User Experience (UX) and search crawl experience. Making good use of internal linking and having a site structure in place have had impressive results with some clients but always make a difference.

Do you ever change the URL structure to include your target phrases for each parent and child folder, or do you always leave it the same? My company veers away from ever changing URLs, but I view it as necessary and not an extremely large deal so long as the appropriate redirects are in place. I think the long term gain would trump any short term losses.

cryptogeek1395 ✍️
Any ideas on how to establish an internal linking structure for a Shopify store?
Breadcrumbs would be your best bet since you don't have to add links manually to every page. Your question is pretty vague and I don't have an example to look at, so that's the best I can do
This would depend on a lot of factors. The link I shared below would be a good place to start to understand how to structure a site better for SEO purposes.
Hmm it depends, if the competition are benefiting from having target phrase URL's then it may be something to look at if you aren't currently. I wouldn't veer away from changing URL's as long as the correct re-directs are in place however..

If you like to get a bit outcome at very first year you have to go for some links. I mean beg links. Unless thousands and thousands words content does not work. Google do this intentionally for a new website. Once your trust increase to Google and publishing good content continuously, then good content will work.
How people will link you back, if they don't found it in Google first page or even second page? How they will get your content? Simply, only good content does not work at very first year.

cryptogeek1395 ✍️
I do agree with this. In 3 months my rankings and Domain Authority (DA), Page Authority (PA) increased suddenly and I had made no real changes. Sandbox is real I guess

Hey, there are two way for Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Organic and Paid. Let me give you some good idea about both.
Organic: This include natural search on search engine for your website. Make sure your On-Page should done very well on site with Title, Meta Keywords and Meta Description. Make sure no any other page get duplicate of those records. Your Off-Page is also must be strong with Fresh and relevant contents on your website, Generate back links from other platforms, submit guest blogs, add comments to other blogs, generate internal links in your contents, questions and answer type platform(Quora) and others, forums and articles. These surely help you to do better SEO and that works always.
Social media are also powerful platforms now a days which help you to bring relevant traffic always either free or paid option.
Paid: There are plenty of options available to get paid traffic but that might be not good flavor fr your SEO which always work. Till you pay, you will get traffic otherwise not.
I hope whatever I wrote above, it help you.


I have just written an article about how to increase your traffic with expired domains. I could share it with you if you like? It's a fairly easy process and my article explains a lot of other SEO techniques. In a couple of days I will upload another article solely about backlinking and what hat you should wear (White, grey or black) depending on your goals.
Let me know if you want to check them out, they might be of help! I could use some feedback in return.
Relevant content based around high volume keywords that are truly valuable to the company and its desired Call to Actions (CTA)s. Avoid vanity keywords… they can be easy to rank for… but what good is traffic that isn't going to contribute t Return of Investment (RoI)
The Basics:
• Keyword Research on content
• Pending platform/page, minimum 300 – maximum 15,000 words (we have a "Complete Guide" blog that ranks first, just over 13,000 words on that one) based on the keyword research
• Relevant images, named & alt tagged according to kwr
• Relevant internal linking, I go back after each new post and add links from old blogs to new blogs and vice versa, as well as linking new ones to product pages.
Boring answer but content and backlinks. Currently we have great content and saw some gains, but no backlinks which has meant all the work on updating product pages, category pages and blogs to have better titles and fuller unique content hasn't had much of an impact because we're too weak of an authority compared to others.
And by backlinks I don't mean begging for featured articles and content, but more getting links from branded mentions and reviews etc.
So let me expand… Private Blog Network (PBN) LINKS, would be my answer.
That obviously not all we do when it comes to Search Engine Optimization (SEO), but what moves the needle the most for us, has been Private Blog Networks (PBN)s.
PBNs work because links work.
I don't really like getting into the "hat" argument, I think it's a pointless one.
There are several strategies that work, some are riskier than others. Some SEO users like to compete on who is the most "white hat", but at the end of the day, as a business, you care about Return of Investment (RoI).
PBNs also have a pretty bad connotation, people think about PBNs like shitty WordPress sites with 2 x 400 word posts and a privacy policy.
I wouldn't recommend doing that either (even if it works!!).
We build actual sites on our carefully selected domains. They are all custom built, with a bunch of content from actual writers. They are all on-page optimized, responsive, great designs, and last but not least GET TRAFFIC.
Organic and referral.
There's really no way for Google to distinguish between "real sites" and these "pbns".
We've removed pure spam penalties with these types of pbns (or minu sites, or whatever you want to call them).
It gets even more interesting when you start monetizing your PBNs as well… And you get to control your entire link building (or at least the most significant part of it) for free.
Page speed is great, great connect is SUPER important, all of that stuff is great. But a home page incontent link from an expired domain with a bunch of high-quality links pointing to it, is the BEST tool out there.
Developing extremely long tail content.
Once you have just one URL on your site that gets organic traffic and natural links, the rest can take off pretty quickly. Hunt around Quora and Reddit to find relevant, albeit niche, questions that are relevant to your subject and answer them as blog posts.
This approach also can earn some quick answer boxes, build your relevancy for bigger terms, and generate more traffic than you would ever expect.


Four Tips for New Websites! Create Useful Infographics, Interview Some People If Needed, Social Media, Backlinks!

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Ammon: Google don’t Care about Silos, or Pages Only Linking to Other Pages on the Same Topic, Same Website

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Niche Keyword Site versus Whole Keyword Site

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