Can Content that gets Written by Artificial Intelligence (AI) Win In Google SERPs?

Discussion 3: Can Content that gets Written by Artificial Intelligence (AI) Win In Google SERPs?

What's your experience with AI generated SEO content?

Hi, I'm NOT actually thinking of trying this, but I saw a thread on blackhatworld and thought the concept was interesting.

Has anyone here tried to rank a site with Artificial Intelligence (AI) generated articles? How did it go?
36 💬🗨

Not so much Artificial Intelligence (AI), but I used a script to scrape and spin an e-commerce website into existence from the uploaded affiliate .zip

It dynamically created pages with content/titles

It was amazing until I got greedy and added too much that and slowed down pageload speed

Was getting a lot of traffic for the more obscure things – entire site was in the "ar-lower reciver" parts niche.

This was in ~<year>, <year> so you'll have to experiment if it's as easy now.
It turned out great for him on the forum.

But Google knows how to do nothing until "they" learn, and I believe that almost nothing is done manually on their end anymore (except for the things which fund them, like AdSense). So Google AI which handles this just has to learn what this new thing is to know what to do about it – good or bad. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is new, so their AI is learning about it, and will proceed afterwards, however they want.

If they decide it's bad, he's out for that site. Hope it works out well, though. For him.
I use spun and now AI content all the time. It works fine.I still have a site I made 8 months back that's a one page Lorem ipsum site. It's still indexed and ranked despite all the updates we've had since. Been using Conversion AI for a few weeks. Pretty impressive. Not 100% perfect but still effective.
It's how you use it, moderate it and edit it.

I have watched a pro, who has been using an AI content for a while. He took a keyword mind map, and used the platform to expand just that into the majority of an article.

It wasn't one click, but it was less labor intensive than raw writing and the outcome coupled with a handful of videos and images was nearly comparable to the competing posts for the keyword.

With something like editorninja or some other on demand copyproof editing you could have some high quality content for relatively little time or expense.

Orrekar ✍️
I've been using the demo credits I got from /u/famerazak and this is what I've found so far. It can definitely be useful but I need to edit and tweak the AI generation settings a lot and have it re-write stuff or I have to enhance it quite a bit, but it definitely helps push through writer's block and a lot of the content so far is a great starting point. It also has an integration with an SEO-type service for keyword focusing which I have not tried yet.

I found the post outline feature is also really good for coming up with post ideas. I'm pretty knowledgeable about my niche so I can probably just use that to come up with posts more than the long-form AI editor. It also has a special opening and closing paragraph helper which I think is handy.

When you know you're niche – conversion ai is really strong compared to other players.

I wrote a 2000 word nutrition article in under an hour and it was well optimised for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) – Yes there's an integration with Frase that scores your content against the top 10 in the Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs) for your main keyword.

If you are selling content services on places like Fiverr as well.. is going to boost your game and help you be wayyy more profitable

Do it daily. Using Frase, Market Muse,, and some others. Works well and rnaks well. But as someone else mentioned, it's not 1 click, it rather make your job as an editor easier by scraping Search Engine Result Page (SERP) for keywords to rank for, their cluster keyword categories, and allows you to auto spin/rewrite other people's content into something original. Defo saves me heaps of time and quality of the content has improved.

Which one did you think was the best?

Oh, that's like choosing a favourite child. I use them all for different things. I first do keyword research, as you would, with Moz or Uber Suggest. Then make an article outline in either or frase. Structuring the articles H2 / h3 tags. Frase is more mature, and auto creates FAQs and answers around the keyword by seeing what people around the Web are searching for, but outranking has better Artificial Intelligence (AI) content from Search Engine Result Page (SERP), and does the meta title and meta description. I then run it through Market Muse as that has the deepest cluster keyword analysis, searching thousands of sites about that keyword with the same intent. (note most of the others ai is using GPT3, Market Muse have their own which they have been training for around 5 years). I start writing sections for that outline in marketing Muse, making sure to use the cluster keywords it suggests. At this point I also use MM to see not only what the top ranking sites mention on the topic, it shows me keypoints they all missed out mentioning, giving me the edge. Then if I see content which is on someone else's site which I like,.. To borrow.. I use to rewrite it so it's original – note this isn't like a spinner, it all make sense perfectly, like rewritten by a human. Frase does have a similar function, but not as toned at Smartwriters ability. If lazy, I get Smartwriter to write the intro and conclusion, while manually editing to first target keyword. Once happy, publish and watch those SERP rankings like an drug crazed hawk.

Orrekar ✍️
So what I'm hearing is this is actually a useful tool. Today I learned!
Six months ago I would have told you to stay away from "AI written content" unless you want to tank your site. I would have also told you that good content is for users and not particularly relevant for ranking. Those two statements are not compatible if you think about it for a second.

So I tried it. The AI content is not nearly as bad as I anticipated. If I had to describe it, it's very similar to what you would get from someone whose first language is not English, but they are close to fluent.

So here's how we use it –
• If the content is meant for users – we start with the AI article and have one of our writers clean it up.
• If the content is meant for Google – we use it as is, no need to clean it.

It's a huge time saver.


If the content is meant for Google – we use it as is, no need to clean it.

Do you fact check it? In my experience, AI makes up a lot of "facts" – If you're trying to build authority… that isn't a good thing.

We're using this type of content mostly for home services, but we proof everything before putting it up. We're not building authority, we're ranking web pages.

I was both impressed and unimpressed. Impressed that Artificial Intelligence (AI) can write in complete sentences, unimpressed with quality and originality of the product. I feel like Google is going to detect spammy AI content before AI learns how to truly sound human. To me, using AI content is the same as copying what your competitors are doing in hopes of outranking them which limits yourself to your competition.

I write 100% original content which is why I still get inquiries from articles I wrote 5 years ago that are buried under new content and site owners. AI is great for short term gains maybe but not a sustainable solution in my opinion even if you're cleaning up the copy it's not truly original work.

Original is kind of relative IMO.

I believe there's very little original content online or anywhere else.

Unless you actually "invented" the concept or theory you're writing about, you're going to need to use other people's original content in some shape or form.

That's definitely not plagiarism if you're crediting the original source, but is your content actually original?

I think personal experience in most cases is what deserves the label original.

I use which is great. I regualarly produced 1200 word content which nicely rank on my keywords. It needs editing, but i wouldn't be able to write those posts without it. The has unlimited use without any credits, so I can play with this for hours. They evolving constantly, and currently I'm a beta tester for new features, such as long form blog posts. My workflow is: I use blogely app to check Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs), get ideas and build outline then I produce post in and then editing with grammarly. The post are at least 95% unique and ranking nicely in my niche (even got feature snipped on some). English is not my first language and I'm very gratefull for what Generative Pretrained Transformer (GPT)-3 offers.
Following closely. Each one I have experimented with has been so far from usable content that I've given up. I do like the idea of using it as a supporting tool for real writers.


Discussion 2: Can Content that gets Written by Artificial Intelligence (AI) Win In Google SERPs?
Akinola Badmus
I keep wondering if Google really cares if a content is well written factually and grammatically.
I mean, I've seen guys churning out content with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Surfer.
Since Google Search bot simply obeys algorithm, can AI content optimized with surfer game the Google ranking system for low competition keywords?
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Stockbridge Truslow 🎓
As usual… it depends.
There are a LOT of things that go into this – more than I can cover here, but hopefully I can give a little understanding of the basics here.
Google only really works on "matching keywords to searches" when it knows little or nothing about the words involved. Once the keywords that represent "things" (people, business names, products, etc.) start to be understood, they are no longer keywords – they, become "entities" – and Google knows facts about entities.
Now… how does Google understand things? Let's look at the following statements:
Ford makes cars.
Ford makes trucks.
Google knows that "Ford" is a company. And it knows what cars and trucks are. So, if it didn't know it before, when the NLP (Natural Language Processors) run over a page it can learn that the relationship between Ford and the cars and trucks is that it "makes" them. With verbs like this – Google also knows that "makes" can equate to "manufactures" – so… with those two sentences the knowledge graph can learn that Ford manufactures both cars and trucks.
Because there are lots of different web sites out there saying the same thing – Google can be very confident that Ford actually DOES in fact, make cars and trucks.
Now.. where the fact checking bit comes in… let's say you decide to make the statement:
Ford makes Time Machines.
Google knows what a Time Machine is – but this is totally new information. It's never heard that Ford makes time machines before. There are lots of sites talking about Ford and what it makes – but none of them mention time machines.
Google is going to want some validation from other sources to confirm this before it decides to add that fact to the knowledge graph. It's going to take a bunch of sites saying it – or it's going to take at least a couple high authority sites saying it before Google might even consider this to be true. So… until that happens and you ask Google "what does Ford make?" – it's not going to say, "Cars, Trucks, and Time Machines".
And since it's not a fact, it's highly unlikely that Google is going to rank your page for much unless someone specifically asks about Ford and Time Machines in the same query.
So… ultimately, at the very base level where Google has no facts on a subject – sure – you can say whatever you want. It's just ranking pages based upon keyword hits. (Well, not "just" but… that's a key part anyway). But as soon as you start talking about things that Google understands – it turns into a whole different game.

Akinola Badmus ✍️ » Stockbridge Truslow
Totally understandable.
I believe you are right.
Ben Allen » Stockbridge Truslow
But what about the people ranking lorem ipsum content #1 for literally a specialty in medicine in a certain city? There are Wikipedia articles about this medicine specialty. Google certainly knows what the city is. Why can you still rank with god-awful content or even a bunch of random words with two entities that could not be more clear to Google? Is it because Google doesn't have any connections between the service offered and the city? Surely they have access to enough millions of white papers and scholarly articles about that branch of medicine to know which oral surgeons in Dallas' sites should rank #1 and which should not see the light of day, but there is constant evidence against that.
I am legitimately asking, not arguing.
Stockbridge Truslow 🎓
I'd need to see a specific case to know for certain.
Ultimately I would suspect, though – in conjunction with a city, searching for a medication would be a purchase intent. So the mere fact that you've got it listed and for sale might trigger it – especially if no one else is going for that.
In my town, there's a restaurant that ranks for miles around (much further than most restaurants) for "Lobster Mac and Cheese" which isn't even a regular item on their menu. Someone mentioned it in a review (from when it was on special 4 years ago) and since no one else in the area has it on the menu or any other mention… it shows.
In other words, sometimes the $H(& rises to the top because there's literally no one else making the connection.
Akinola Badmus ✍️ » Stockbridge Truslow
Yes that's it!
Marcos Azaro » Dan Kurtz

Karan Singh
That's why I believe page time is or should be a huge part of Google ranking signal. A reader won't stay on such article for very long.

Stockbridge Truslow 🎓
What if you're looking to find out something simple… like what are Bruce Willis' kids names? If you had a page that listed his bio and family and I went to that page and scrolled down to the list of children, it would take me literally 20 seconds to do that. I'd have my answer, I'd be happy, and I'd be gone.
Should that page be considered a bad result because I only spent 20 seconds there?
Karan Singh » Stockbridge Truslow
That's why featured snippets and People Also Ask (PAA) exist. Like the schema of recipes shows the same without listening to the story.
Stockbridge Truslow 🎓
Now you're just being difficult. That was just an example.
Search Google for "list of binary black holes" because you want to know the names and how many there are. There's no featured snippet, but there is a page. On that page you can find the answer in 30 seconds. Low dwell time – you got your answer and you're gone.
Should THAT page be punished because I didn't need to spend 3 minutes there to find my answer?


Does Artificial Intelligence AI Article Writer Need Ethics?
Discussion 1: Can Content that gets Written by Artificial Intelligence (AI) Win In Google SERPs?
Joe Maračić
172 🤭120 👍🏽30549 💬🗨

can content that gets written by artificial intelligence ai win in google serps

John O'Brien
To write engaging content you need to understand context. Artificial Intelligence (AI) tries to do that by converting words into their root form but the output is always rubbish. Root words are too generic and not specific enough, so all AI tools suffer from the same problem. Better to use writing assistant than fully automate the process.
Bradshaw Clayton
The agency I work for has a programmer that is making our Artificial Intelligence (AI) writing tool more intelligent. While it doesn't write 2000+ word content as well as a real writer, it's been incredibly helpful for programmatic content across things like local or product pages that just need data tables filled.

Shaneali Mawji » Bradshaw Clayton
Makes you wonder why Jarvis doesn't do this with all the funding they've received.

Steven Kang 👑
The problem with AI is SEO users expect the tool to write like humans and believe they've hired Shakespeare for $99/month. That's not how it's supposed to work. The issue is AI bots reference content from anywhere and everywhere, including fiction on the internet, which becomes garbage content.
I only use AI for occasional sentence rewrites from originals by adding styling variations and different voices while preserving the facts. Even after that, I have my writers fix the rewrites. Anything beyond that is useless.

Joe Maračić ✍️ » Steven Kang
For me Ai tools can be useful for lower tier stuff or social media.
Jay Miller » Steven Kang
I felt the same way. Looking at what generic garbage was spewed out of Jarvis for blogs, I said there's no way this can replace the writing intricacies of copywriters. It's not there yet. The older copywriters don't fear it because they have a specific process Jarvis can't touch (yet).
However, I am working on something with a small team that is going to improve AI content. This is a patent pending process on how Generative Pretrained Transformer (GPT)-J and GPT-Neo are merged with automation. We're dictating the parameters of the niches we chose to target first to ensure the content pillars are accurate and formal. Different use case from Jarvis.
For example, the Artificial Intelligence (AI) we're building wrote an entire website code and and all it's schema for a financial firm in 5 minutes and it was spot on.
We're in a 4th version of it now, but Steve I'd love to pick your brain about it once we're in beta phase. ☺️🤞
Shaneali Mawji » Steven Kang
Have you looked at articleforge? I ran some tests for fact checking and they really didn't do too badly.
One of the few areas it really got confused was English football transfer news. FairPlay since 90% of content out there is bullshit rumors lol.
Even tested cancer treatment topics and it didn't do too badly. Great starting point for my writers to take over and expand the content though.
Yup huge improvements since the old version. I do like how it can quickly crank out fairly accurate articles but again like all AI content, it's mostly fluff pieces.

Mike Higgins
I use Artificial Intelligence (AI) writers. The ones built on GPT-3 are pretty good. I don't use them for full articles but when I've got a site with 1000s of pages that all have a paragraph/small section on the page, for example, 'population demographics in x' then hell yeah, AI can do that for me, no problem.
Jordan Fowler
My gripes are that Artificial Intelligence (AI) writers cannot (yet) understand the human transformational aspirations that really drive purchases. It's more complex than here's what this product/service does or surface benefits.
In addition, they will never create anything contrarian, even when content needs to be so.
The web is getting gummed up with regurgitated drivel.
I hear the cry "But it can rank!"…yes. But what happens when the reader gets on the page? You can have humans write great content that is also tuned to rank while simultaneously showing the reader you have radical empathy for their problem or possibility.
I'm with Steven Kang on it.
Milia Anastasia
AI writing tools are going to complicate Search Engine Optimization (SEO) 3 years from today. The internet is going to be flooded with content, ranking content is going to be so difficult than it is today..

Valerie DuVall » David Keator
Will you need 4 a year?

Malkeet Singh
I use them all the time for product descriptions & social posts at work. They work well for short copy but not so much for blog posts. They start to make little sense & the writing doesn't flow when they get too long, but they write better than humans when its short.
Mark Whitman
We've started selling AI content + a human editor as a beta product for long-form SEO content at our agency. We're only in the first month but the results are quite promising. To deliver a good piece of content though the human element is still significant. It takes one of our editors around 2 hours to create a client-ready article (1000+ words). This is faster and cheaper than our standard process which involves a human writer + editor. The direction that we're travelling is using the AI to generate detailed writer briefs that have significant writer prompts for our writers to develop and refine into a cogent article.

Valerie DuVall » Mark Whitman
What software do you use?
Mark Whitman
We use Jarvis and Frase. To generate topical clusters (which is our secret sauce) we use KeyClusters –
Keyword Grouping Tool (#1 SEO Choice) | KeyClusters


Paying a Content Writer as Percentage Instead of a Fixed Price

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