A Health Website Wants Backlinks From HARO and Journalism

Hello, Pros,
Currently, I am struggling with link-building opportunities. I've tried broken link building, guest posting, Reclaim Lost Links, Unlinked Mentions, Competitor Broken Link Building, Competitor Link Building, Communities, etc. But all of them are dead in my industry (Health Information Technology).
Please help/suggest some strategies you have tested and successfully worked for you.
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Ammon Johns πŸŽ“
Seriously, the best links you can get, and by a MASSIVE margin, are links you earn with content. Doesn't mean you have to write the content, you can hire a professional, you can make video content, podcasts, just something that either real people running really good sites will WANT to link to, OR, create guest post content people would happily pay YOU to have on their site, and don't mind at all saving the money by having a live, followable link in the byline instead.
What you've tried is everything except actually having something worth linking to. Give that a try. You'll never look back.

Lymboo Β» Ammon Johns
Sorry to interrupt however I'm working with the agency for optimising my website. It has been like 3 months now. I haven't purchased any links yet or the guest posts however they are conducting both the on/off page. They are working with content optimisation for the category pages and creating blog posts. Should I be working to post more content and what does actually the content mean i.e, the internal blog content or something different? Site has been making the improvement though compared to when I started with them. Sorry if it's a dumb question I have laid here. It is with Shopify.
Ammon Johns πŸŽ“ Β» Lymboo
What kind of content is the thing you decide *after* you know what you want the content to achieve. If you want links, think about specifically *who* you want those links from. What sort of thing do they most like to share and link to? Can you make that, or sponsor having it made?
This is a Marketing Objective, with capital M and O. You have something you need to attain, and you have a set of real world conditions you need to attain it in (your market, your demographic, your competitor actions), and you have your resources. Put together the strategy that seems to you to make the best use of all of those things.
There are different kinds of links.
Some are citations that don't drive a lot of traffic, but due to the prestige of being cited by certain places, it carries a lot of weight in terms of lending your site real authority and credibility. Think of being listed as an exclusive supplier for some official governmental body, or one of only a handful of organizers of a specific high-value event, etc.
Some others are about the traffic, where it's kind of like being on the homepage of Digg, or getting some link from some place that has lots of visitors that click on that link. This shows a kind of popularity or at least familiarity. It's kind of like being a landmark in your corner of the Internet. Like the bar in 'Cheers', everyone knows your name.
Then there's the high relevancy links, where people are linking to a specific page that addresses some hot (to the link source) topic. It may not carry the same kind of gravitas and authority as the first kind, and not the traffic or broad awareness of the second, but this one does wonders for specifically helping that page to rank for the hot topic. These tend to come from sites that specialise in a certain niche or focus.
Obviously, some links are somewhere between two or more of those types, and links can vary in degree of value within the type, of course. A perfect link would kind of be all three things, a very topical link on a high-traffic serious authority site, but those are like diamonds, both in value and scarcity.
The point is to know what kind of link you most need, or which kind you feel most confident you can get, and from whom.
There's no limit to this. You can decide you really, really want a link from some absolute top-tier news media site. All you have to do is realize that it will take some time and effort, you research what that site already links to, look at the specific content they have links in. Research the tastes of the main journalist and his editor. Then build the content they simply cannot resist.
Lymboo Β» Ammon Johns
Thanks for the info buddy.
Just to ask, my SEO team have much focused upon the category page content and wanting to rewrite all of the product description for a better copy which I do have to agree for a newer site. However when it comes to link building, I don't think they have prioritise much as most of their requested guest post comes up with the price. I'm much more focused on producing the content and believing that's the way to go. Do you reckon, I have to pay for the guest posts which my agencies are referring to along with creating the content i.e internal web blogs?
Ammon Johns πŸŽ“ Β» Lymboo
If you can create your own content, and you simply remember that some of that content needs to drive sales, but some of it needs to drive links (publicity) with just as much focus, and you share the content production around all needs not just keywords or sales, but also on Public Relations (PR), making stuff people will want to share or talk about, then you NEVER need to outsource any link building at all beyond that.
Lymboo Β» Ammon Johns
Would the content be in the form of internal website blogs or publishing the content to link on the others website?
Ammon Johns πŸŽ“ Β» Lymboo
The content could be blog posts, white papers, downloadable ebooks, a YouTube channel, podcasts, or whatever else is within your capabilities and does the job required.
Lymboo Β» Ammon Johns
Thanks for all the info buddy. Much appreciate it πŸ™‚

Sounds like you have tried all the "SEO" link-building techniques. Try to think a bit outside the box and look into more creative ways of getting your brand mentioned. You want to get links that are not easily replicable for competitors. Imagine if 90% of your links are paid guest posts, all your competitors need to overtake you is a good budget and the $7 trial from Ahrefs.
We have built a business doing journalist outreach and getting organic links from top publications. Did you try Help a Reporter Out (HARO)?
Also, worth looking into Public Relations (PR). Is there anything your company is doing that the world should know about? Do a press release
Read "Trust me, I'm Lying" by Ryan Holiday. It has a lot of gems in there that can help you think outside the box when it comes to promoting a business i.e. getting links. P.S. If I remember correctly, Ryan even mentions SEO and HARO a couple of times there.

Phil Β» Morgan
HARO style services is where I get all my links and they're incredibly strong and they really move the needle!

Buying backlinks. Reaching out to the publishers that are linking to your competitors and try to steal the link. Identifying broken backlinks and reaching out to the site owner to replace them with your own.
Do these tactics work?
Yes, sometimes. But they're not the best.
Instead, you can try one of the three tactics listed in this post from lowest to highest investment.
1) Stats compilation: Here you compile stats for the category you're in.
Why is this good for backlinks?
– It's a useful piece of content for writers and journalists so they will link to it spontaneously.
– There's usually search volume for these kinds of posts and the competition is not too high now.
– Easy to make: If you have the resources, it's easy to compile the stats.
The downside: These keywords will become more and more competitive.
2) Create a report uncovering data and findings that appeal to an audience.
You can use your proprietary data, surveys with large sample sizes, or a combo of already existing data sets. The success of these reports usually depends on the story you can tell with the data.
Why is this good for backlinks?
– Journalists link to these reports because people want to read the data.
– Snowball effect: Once a few journalists link to it, visibility skyrockets and more and more writers will link to your piece.
3) Create a free tool: Mortgage calculators. Salary calculators. A backlink checker. These are all examples.
Why is this good for backlinks?
– Your target audience will find these tools indispensable. Plus, they can be a starting step to turn them into paying users from a premium version of the free tool.
– If your tool is truly helpful and you can find cases to show to writers, they'll link to it. After all, they're serving their audience better.
The downside? Creating the tool might require a big investment.
Building backlinks isn't easy, but that shouldn't stop you from pursuing this strategy.


Get Backlinks With the Way of Help a Reporter Out (HARO)!

Off-Page SEO Strategy to Get Backlinks: Spreaded 200 Emails. Returns 82 Replies and 36 Unique Responses

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